Think Tank, Brain Spa, Sounding Board. Any one of these stickers works here. Always visit with an open mind; bring on your creative ideas! Count on getting a great workout.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

What's Going On?

You name it. It's happening. One of the best business ideas that I have seen in weeks is the relatively new GDI campaign. Global Domains International has put domain name ownership squarely in the hands of its members, can own a full-blown e-commerce ready website THAT'S GOT VALUE, and within minutes, start earning anywhere from $1 to $50. As you can clearly see, this is a hype-less statement. We resist falling into that common trap. Of course, there is every opportunity to earn thousands per week, but it requires working smart.

The GDI thing is so simple, everyone who knows how to say, "Here's your free DVD I promised you," can wind up beating Las Vegas casinos 365 days out of the year, while spending half the time on vacation! GDI asks you to sign up for a week FOR FREE to get a handle on how simple and attractive business plan is. Then, for just 10 bucks a month, you're a rep, working for a sexy (believe me) and exciting operation that lets you make as much money as you want. You can take that to the bank!

Well, enough about GDI. Let's talk about me. I am one savvy, good looking...oh, never mind. What I want you to do is check out Global Domains International. You can copy this post if you like and email it or paste in your own blog, for fun and profit. When you get your own site, you can just change the ID in the link. It's a sweet deal. Go get yours!

Don't forget to write after you buy that new condo!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Who Won the Super Bowl?

Don't tell me. I know it was the Indianapolis Colts. My friend, Danny who works at the corner deli, keeps me up to date on critical issues like this. Good ol' Danny. Plus, when I turned on my computer this morning, the first thing I saw on my browser's home page were headlines about the Colts' victory all across my screen.

But getting back to Danny, he actually won $260 on the game! Now, that makes him a winner---of sorts. He was pretty proud of himself, too. But, I remember him telling me about the party he and his girlfriend had planned for the game. When I asked Danny how the party went, he began to boast.

"Oh, we had a great time," he said. "We had about thirty people over, and we had a blast...drank beer until it was coming out of our ears."

"So, what did you eat?" I asked.

"Pizza, of course!" Danny said. "That's the only way to watch the Super Bowl. Drink beer and eat pizza."

We won't mention the name of the pizza provider at this time. They have already reaped enough profit from the largest commercialized spectacle of the year. My friend, Danny, admitted that the party cost him neary $400. It looks like the pizza maker and the beer company made out a little bit better than Danny did, especially when you multiply this case study by the millions of similar Super Bowl celebrations - some smaller and quite a few, much, much grander in size.

We're getting to the point here. Yes, the Colts won the contest between two football teams, but the largest winners are the affiliates (corporations) that knew how to promote their products and services, before, during and after the game. I have watched how companies, large and small, use an important medium to leverage their marketing strategies. The Super Bowl is a classic example.

In reality, the TV network that sold the air-time to the beer company (for $1.2 million per minute), and the beer company that turned around and merchandized millions of cases of beer in every city in the United States, and the stores that sold the beer to consumers are the big winners.

The mass marketing strategies of these mega-corporations and local merchants are great examples of how independent entrepreneurs can leverage their business plans. The financial scale is different. Nothing else. One affiliate marketing bonanza that I believe is poised to hit the screens is Search Big Daddy, a fresh, new Internet marketing enterprise that every serious business owner should pay attention to. One of its key features is based on the use of keywords as a commodity. This business opportunity just might be another tidal wave of the future.

To get a first hand glimpse of this clever online operation, please visit Search Bid Daddy via the following link:

Success to you!

Monday, February 5, 2007

My very first business...ever.

I was in my late twenties when I first went into business. I owned a graphic arts studio with a partner. Our company raked in its first $200 when I photographed a can of Rise Shaving Cream for a highly regarded ad agency. No, we didn't get ripped off. A round-trip airline ticket from New York to St. Louis cost $70 back then. Now, are you impressed?

Yeah, we were a couple of guys with a dream and no business plan. We were lucky. We had enough contacts to keep us so busy, almost a year went by before we sat down with a counselor and got our act together. We worked around the clock producing high quality sales literature and we got tons of cheers and kudos for our efforts. The problem was that we barely made a profit. Once we were shown how to manage our cash and where to spend it, we were like a totally new business inside of three months. It was magic.

Today, I eat and sleep daily, weekly and monthly planning ON TOP OF my long-range business plan. For example, I have a product in the works and it will be on the market in the next sixty days. My marketing plan is already in place and has been for the past six months, or longer. Since competition is heavy, I have a contingency plan. How do I know I need an alternate route for my business? By studying the competition and the market where I plan to promote my product.Compared to years gone by, there are a lot of so-called Internet marketers fighting for the same prize that you and I hope to claim.

The best way to get from here to the prize is by careful affiliations with top-notch marketing leaders. Right now, I believe Search Big Daddy is our next big winner. We recommend joing this organiztion to anyone seeking a business plan that works. We are new to the group; but I have no reason to be modest about our capabilities with this exciting new venture. Cheers to Stephen C. Rose!
